About iqac

Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)


To generate systematic quality processes in the Institute for evolving, enhancing and sustaining excellence in its academic and administrative practices to ensure the highest standards of quality, transparency and holistic development.


  • To develop quality culture in the institution and application of quality benchmarks for quality enhancement in academic and administrative performance.
  • To be the driving force for escorting the quality related activities including dissemination of information on various quality parameters and to remove deficiencies, if any.
  • To facilitate the creation of a learner-centric environment conducive to quality and value based education using ICT tools and accelerating participatory teaching – learning process.
  • To ensure a well defined mechanism for collecting feedback response from students, alumni and other stakeholders on quality related institutional processes.
  • To promote research cultures among faculty and students the departments are encouraged to organize inter and intra institutional Workshops, IPR, Seminar and Conferences on quality related themes and promotion of quality circles.
  • To organize Faculty Development Programs (FDPs) for teaching and Professional Development Programs (PDPs) for non-teaching staff.
  • Documentation of various programs/activities leading to quality improvements.
  • To ensure an effective and transparent operations to achieve excellence in Academic, Administrative and Financial activities followed by timely Academic and Administrative Audit of the departments to measure their annual progress.
  • Development and maintenance of institutional database through MIS portal for the purpose of maintaining and enhancing of the institutional quality.
  • To sensitize students about Institutional and Social Responsibility through various activities and participatory programming.
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