Student Grievance Redressal Committee


                     The Student Grievance Redressal Committee (SGRC) at JB Institute of Technology, Dehradun, is a dedicated body committed to ensuring the welfare and rights of students within the institution. Established to provide an effective and transparent mechanism for addressing student grievances, the SGRC operates with the utmost diligence, impartiality, and compassion. Comprising representatives from various academic disciplines, administrative offices, and student organizations, the committee embodies diversity and inclusivity, ensuring that student concerns are addressed from multiple perspectives. The SGRC upholds the principles of fairness, transparency, and accountability in its operations, striving to resolve grievances promptly and equitably. Through proactive monitoring and analysis, the committee identifies systemic issues and advocates for positive change to enhance the overall student experience. The SGRC also looks for student welfare, institutional integrity, and a conducive learning environment for all.

                      The Student Grievance Redressal Committee (SGRC) at JB Institute of Technology, Dehradun, operates with a set of goals to ensure students’ welfare and rights are upheld within the institution. Let’s elaborate on each of these objectives:


1.              Provide a Platform for Expression:

·       The SGRC creates an environment where students feel comfortable expressing their grievances, fostering open communication and trust between students and the institution.

·       It establishes multiple channels for students to submit grievances, including online portals, suggestion boxes, and direct communication with committee members, ensuring accessibility and ease of use.

2.              Ensure Fair and Transparent Resolution:

·       The committee adheres to principles of fairness, impartiality, and transparency in all aspects of the grievance resolution process, ensuring that each case is treated with equity and integrity.

·          It follows established procedures and guidelines for grievance resolution, providing clear and consistent processes for students to understand and navigate.

3.              Uphold Student Rights and Well-being:

·       The SGRC is dedicated to upholding students’ rights and well-being, advocating for their interests, and ensuring that their concerns are addressed promptly and effectively.

·         It recognizes the importance of fostering a supportive and inclusive environment where students feel valued, respected, and empowered to succeed.

4.              Thorough Investigation and Analysis:

·        The committee conducts comprehensive investigations into each grievance, gathering relevant information and evidence to understand the context and severity of the issue.

·      It employs analytical tools and techniques to identify underlying causes and contributing factors, enabling the committee to develop informed solutions and recommendations.

5.              Mediation and Resolution:

·        The SGRC facilitates mediation and negotiation between grievance parties, seeking mutually acceptable resolutions that address the concerns of all stakeholders.

·           It fosters constructive dialogue and collaboration, encouraging parties to communicate openly and work towards resolving their differences amicably.

6.              Recommendations for Improvement:

·       Based on its findings and analysis, the committee formulates recommendations for institutional improvements to prevent the recurrence of grievances.

·        It collaborates with relevant stakeholders to implement recommended changes, ensuring that institutional policies, procedures, and practices align with students’ needs and expectations.

7.              Maintain Confidentiality and Sensitivity:

·      The SGRC prioritizes the confidentiality and sensitivity of student grievances, ensuring that personal information is handled with discretion and professionalism.

·        It maintains strict confidentiality throughout the grievance resolution process, respecting the privacy and dignity of all parties involved.

8.             Promote Awareness and Empowerment:

·        The committee actively promotes awareness among students about their rights, responsibilities, and available resources for seeking redressal.

·          It empowers students to advocate for themselves and take ownership of their academic and campus experiences, promoting a culture of student engagement and empowerment.

9.             Continuous Monitoring and Evaluation:

·            The SGRC continuously monitors trends and patterns in grievances, identifying emerging issues and areas for improvement.

·          It regularly evaluates its processes and procedures, soliciting feedback from students and stakeholders to ensure effectiveness, efficiency, and responsiveness.

10.          Facilitate a Supportive Learning Environment:

·       Ultimately, the SGRC aims to create a supportive, inclusive, and conducive learning environment where all students can thrive.

·     By addressing grievances promptly and effectively, the committee helps to build trust and confidence among students, fostering a sense of belonging and academic success.   


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