SC/ST/OBC & Minority Committee


                                   The roles and responsibilities of the SC, ST, OBC, and MINORITY Committee at JBIT, Dehradun, encompass a wide range of activities aimed at promoting inclusivity, equity, and diversity within the institution. The responsibilities include:

1.  Convener:

  • Chair the Committee meetings and ensure that they are conducted effectively and efficiently.
  • Serve as a liaison officer between the Committee and relevant stakeholders, including students, faculty, and administrative staff.
  • Oversee the Committee’s activities, coordinate initiatives, and ensure that the objectives of the Committee are met.
  • Advocate for the rights and welfare of Scheduled Castes (SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST), Other Backward Classes (OBC), and Minority communities within the institution.
  • Facilitate communication and collaboration between Committee members and stakeholders.
  • Monitor policy implementation related to the welfare of SC, ST, OBC, and Minority communities and address any issues that may arise.

2. Co-Convener:

  • Assist the Convener in supervising the Committee’s operations and initiatives.
  • Advocate for the rights and welfare of SC, ST, OBC, and Minority communities within the institution.
  • Analyze policies and procedures to ensure they are inclusive and address the needs of SC, ST, OBC, and Minority students and staff.
  • Engage with stakeholders to gather input and feedback on initiatives and policies related to SC, ST, OBC, and Minority communities.
  • Organize awareness programs and workshops to promote understanding and awareness of issues faced by SC, ST, OBC, and Minority communities.
  • Monitor the implementation of policies and initiatives aimed at supporting SC, ST, OBC, and Minority students and staff.
  • Collaborate with external organizations and agencies to enhance support services and resources for SC, ST, OBC, and Minority communities.
  • Provide legal support and guidance to Committee members and stakeholders as needed.
  • Facilitate capacity building and conflict resolution within the Committee to ensure effective functioning.

3. Members:

  • Faculty Members: Provide academic perspectives and mentorship to SC, ST, OBC, and Minority students. Support initiatives aimed at promoting inclusivity and diversity within the institution.
  • Administrative Staff: Facilitate the implementation of support services and interventions for SC, ST, OBC, and Minority students. Collaborate with Committee members to address institutional barriers and promote a supportive environment.
  • Student Representatives from SC, ST, OBC, and Minority Community: Advocate for the interests and needs of SC, ST, OBC, and Minority students. Provide insights into specific challenges faced by these communities and collaborate with the Committee on initiatives aimed at addressing these challenges.
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