Each member of the Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) has specific roles and responsibilities to ensure the effective functioning of the committee and the fair resolution of complaints. The typical roles and responsibilities of committee members are as follows:

  • Presiding Officer:

    • Leads the ICC in its proceedings, ensuring that meetings are conducted efficiently and effectively.
    • Receives complaints of sexual harassment and ensures that they are handled in accordance with the institution’s policies and guidelines.
    • Provides guidance and support to other committee members in their roles and responsibilities.
    • Ensures that investigations are conducted impartially and that all parties involved are treated fairly.
    • Facilitates the resolution of complaints through mediation or other appropriate means.
    • Maintains confidentiality and ensures the privacy of individuals involved in the complaint process.
  • Faculty Members and Non-Teaching Employees:

    • Participate actively in ICC meetings and discussions related to complaints of sexual harassment.
    • Assist in the investigation of complaints by gathering relevant information and conducting interviews with witnesses.
    • Provide input and recommendations to the Presiding Officer on the appropriate course of action for resolving complaints.
    • Uphold the principles of impartiality, fairness, and confidentiality throughout the complaint process.
    • Help educate and raise awareness within the institution about policies and procedures related to sexual harassment prevention and reporting.
  • Student Representatives:

    • Represent the interests and concerns of students in ICC meetings and discussions.
    • Assist in raising awareness about sexual harassment prevention and reporting among the student body.
    • Serve as a point of contact for students who wish to report incidents of sexual harassment and provide support and guidance throughout the complaint process.
    • Participate in the investigation of complaints by providing relevant information and perspectives.
    • Uphold the principles of confidentiality and sensitivity in handling complaints involving fellow students.
  • External Member:

    • Bring an outside perspective and expertise to ICC meetings and discussions.
    • Provide input and advice on best practices for addressing complaints of sexual harassment.
    • Assist in ensuring that the ICC operates in accordance with relevant laws and regulations governing sexual harassment prevention and response.
    • Help to maintain the independence and impartiality of the ICC’s decision-making process.
    • Serve as a resource for committee members by sharing knowledge and insights gained from experience in the field of sexual harassment prevention and advocacy.

                             Overall, each member of the ICC plays a crucial role in ensuring that complaints of sexual harassment are addressed promptly, fairly, and effectively, and that the rights and dignity of all individuals involved are respected throughout the process.

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