• Welcome to the National Service Scheme (NSS) team of JB Institute of Technology! Our NSS program is a unique opportunity for students to engage in community service activities and contribute to the betterment of society. Through NSS, we aim to develop the personality and character of our students, instilling in them a sense of responsibility towards their community and the environment.

  • At JB Institute of Technology, we have a dedicated team of students from all disciplines who participate in NSS activities. Our NSS team members organize and participate in various social welfare programs, such as blood donation camps, hygiene awareness campaigns, and environmental conservation activities.
  • Through NSS, our students gain valuable life skills, such as leadership, teamwork, and communication. NSS also provides a platform for students to interact with people from diverse backgrounds, helping them to develop a broader perspective on life. We are proud of our NSS program and the positive impact it has on our students and the community.


Event Name

Awareness Program on Air Pollution




Rampur Kala

Organized by

Eco Club: JB Institute of Technology

Participated by

40Students and 04 Teachers

Programme Coordinator

Mr. Lakhan Singh

Programme Content

Prevention of Air Pollution

Programme Objective

1.      To raise awareness about the disastrous effect of the air pollution on the human health and entire eco-system.

2.      To suggest the ideas to the villagers through which the pollution can be reduced.

3.      To create awareness about the actions such as reducing energy consumption, using public transportation, carpooling, conserving energy, reducing waste, and using cleaner technologies and practices in industrial and agricultural activities.

Programme Outcome

1.      A rally was organized in the RAMPUR KALA village with the specific slogans by the students to prevent the air pollution.

2.      Community people were informed about the various techniques to prevent the air pollution in the current living scenario of the society.

3.      Villagers were suggested to use avoid the use of contaminated fuels. 


Event Name

Awareness Programme ‘DRUG ABUSE IN THE SOCIETY’





Organized by

CSR Club: JB Institute of Technology

Participated by

52 Students &05 Teachers

Programme Coordinator

Mr. Manish Kumar Sharma

Programme Content

Prevention against Drug Abuse in the Society

Programme Objective

1.      To create awareness about the prevention of drug abuse in society by informal mode of education.

2.      To encourage people to remain active in alternative activities like social and educational welfare of society just to distract them from drug abuse.

3.      To empower people with the knowledge and skills to resist peer pressure, make informed decisions about drug use, and develop healthy coping strategies for dealing with stress, peer influence, and other risk factors associated with drug abuse.

Programme Outcome

1.      Students visited and village Laxmipur door-to-door and created awareness program to prevent the drug abuse.

2.      Students presented charts and posters indicating health and safety measures and techniques.

3.      Local area people were guided to ensure that the awareness program is culturally sensitive and tailored to the specific needs and characteristics.


Event Name

Awareness Programme on Gender Equality





Organized by

Vishvesvaraya Club: JB Institute of Technology

Participated by

25 Students and Two Teachers

Programme Coordinator

Mr. Manish Kumar

Programme Content


Programme Objective

1.      To create awareness in the society about gender equality and side effects of gender discrimination in the society.

2.      To create awareness in the society by guiding them to fight against the harmful practices of gender discrimination like domestic violence with women, deprived right of girl marriage and education.

3.      To encourage males to provide all possible help and support for the good cause of women empowerment.

4.      To create a legal awareness in the society about the gender equality.

Programme Outcome

1.      A team of students and teachers visited Community Marriage Centre and represented a banner to create awareness about the awareness program on gender equality.

2.      Women and Girls of the society were guided about their legal rights to right against discrimination and other offences.

3.      Students guided the importance of girls’ education and their contribution in the societal upliftment.


Event Name





Sahaspur Village

Organized by

Tech-Know Giants Club : JB Institute of Technology

Participated by

45 Students &05 Teachers

Programme Coordinator

Mr. Santosh Kumar Mishra

Programme Content


Programme Objective

1.      To create awareness about the important factors of human health pertaining to cleaning of body, cloth, home and nearby living area.

2.      To distribute first-aid kits to the villagers comprising of commonly used medicines etc.

3.      To distribute hygienic kits to the women comprising of soap, shampoo, and sanitary pads to empower the women health in the village Shankerpur.

Programme Outcome

1.      Students distributed 50 first-aid kits to the villagers comprising of commonly used medicines.

2.      Women belonging to rural area were provided free sanitary pads and other items for their health and hygiene.

3.      Rural area people were guided for the personal and societal cleanliness issues.


Event Name

Awareness on Human Health in the Society





Organized by

Technovation Club: JB Institute of Technology

Participated by

52 Students &05 Teachers

Programme Coordinator

Mr. Manoj Kumar Bansal

Programme Content


Programme Objective

1.      1. To raise awareness of the significance of cleaning body, clothes, home, and immediate living space for maintaining health.

2.      2. To provide the villagers with first-aid packs filled with generic medications and other items.

3.      3. To empower the women’s health in the village of SAHASPUR by providing hygienic kits to the ladies that include soap, shampoo, and sanitary napkins.

Programme Outcome

1.      Students provided the locals with30 first-aid packs filled with generic medications.

2.      People in rural areas received guidance on concerns related to individual and communal cleanliness.

3.      Free sanitary pads and other supplies for women’s health and hygiene were given to rural residents.


Event Name

TreeSapling Plantation Drive




Rampur Kala

Organized by

Electrotech Club: JB Institute of Technology

Participated by

30 Students &03 Teachers

Program Coordinator

Mr. RajendraPrajapati

Program Content

Tree/Sapling Plantation Drive

Program Objective

1.      To create awareness in the local areas by spreading awareness about the conservation of the environment.

2.      To plant saplings of different kinds of plants in the Rampur Kala Village.

Program Outcome

1.      At the different locations of Village Rampur Kala, saplings of different kinds of plants were implanted by the different teams of students and teachers with the associations of villagers.

2.      Saplings were also distributed to the villagers.

3.      Villagers were guided about the importance of the clean and green environment.


Event Name

Awareness Programme on Prevention of Cancer Disease





Organized by

Tech-Know Giants: JB Institute of Technology

Participated by

30 Students &03 Teachers

Programme Coordinator

Mr. Santosh Mishra

Programme Content

Prevention ofCancer Disease

Programme Objective

1.      To create awareness about the causes, effects and symptoms of cancer disease.

2.      To encourage society to stop the drug abuse, tobacco, alcohol and other intoxications which are deadly harmful to the human health.

3.      To create a sense of responsibility among the villagers to collectively fight against cancer and its causes.

Programme Outcome


1.      Students visited and village Rampur and encouraged villagers to stop the drug abuse, tobacco, alcohol and other intoxications in their daily life to make them free from the danger of cancer.


2.      Students interacted with the women, children and senior citizens of the village and educated them to fight against cancer from prevention stage by banning all the causes which lead to cancer.



Event Name

Awareness Programme on Dengue and Malaria





Organized by

Technovation Club: JB Institute of Technology
Electro-tech Club:  JB Institute of Technology

Participated by

37 Students &03 Teachers

Programme Coordinator

Mr. Ravi Kumar & Mr. Rajendra Prajapati

Programme Content

Prevention of Dengue and Malaria

Programme Objective

1.      To inform the villagers about the causes and effects of malaria and dengue by conducting students team visit by explaining the causal relationship between disease and reasons.

2.      To raise awareness of the early signs of malaria and dengue and to receive appropriate care under the guidance of a qualified medical professionals.

3.      To stop local community water pollution, rubbish accumulation, and water contamination, which are the primary causes of dengue and malaria.

4.      To inform people about the health and safety issuesin order to safeguard them from dengue and malaria.

Programme Outcome

1.      Students distributed hygienic kits containing soaps, shampoo and detergents to keep their lives clean and healthy.

2.      Villagers were instructed to prevent water and roadway pollution in order to ensure the cleanliness of the area.

3.      The villagers were informed of the early signs of dengue and malaria in patients who were young, old, and children. 

4.      Primary school students also took part in this information-sharing programme for the village’s resident families.

5.      Students interacted with the villagers of LAXMIPUR and highlighted the differentiation between a clean society and a polluted society.



Event Name

Awareness Programme on Human Health in the Society





Organized by

Mechnokriti Club: JB Institute of Technology

Participated by

40 Students &04 Teachers

Programme Coordinator

Mr. Manik Pal Shah

Programme Content


Programme Objective

1.      To increase understanding of the need of preserving cleanliness of body, clothes, home, and immediate living surroundings of the villagers.

2.      To provide first-aid kits containing commonly used medicines and other items to the people belonging to thedown trodden section of the society. 

3.      To improve the health of women in the village of Shankerpur by availing the women hygienic kits that contain soap, shampoo, and sanitary napkins.

Programme Outcome

1.      Students distributed 40 first-aid kits stocked with commonly used medicine to the villagers.

2.      Students helped the villagers by guiding them about the issues linked to public health.

3.      Women residents of rural area received free sanitary pads and other feminine hygiene and health safety products like soap, shampoo and handwash.



Event Name

Awareness Programme on Importance of Girl Education





Organized by

CSR Club : JB Institute of Technology

Participated by

25 Students &03 Teachers

Programme Coordinator

Mr. Manish Kumar Sharma

Programme Content

Importance of Girl Education

Programme Objective

1.      To promote and support the nation-wide campaign of BetiBachaoBetiPadhao and to promote the importance of Girls’ Education in the society by highlighting its long-term benefits to the society.

2.      To encourage people to educate girls on priority without creating any cultural and social barrier.

3.       To distribute pamphlets among the villagers’ indicating pictures and text to promote the girl education.

Programme Outcome

1.      Students participated with a great enthusiasm in this programme and encouraged villagers to promote the girls’ education in region.

2.      Women and Senior Citizen were specially focused in this awareness programme to further convey positive message in the society to encourage and promote the girls’ education.


Event Name

Awareness Programme on Human Health in the Society





Organized by

Mind Mantra – The Health Club: JB Institute of Technology

Participated by

22 Students &02 Teachers

Programme Coordinator

Mr. Madan Pal Singh

Programme Content


Programme Objective

1.      To conduct meetings with the villages by the different teams of the students at different places of the village and guiding them to form clean and healthy society.

2.      To encourage villagers to note the early symptoms of several danger diseases and report these matters to certified medical doctors to take proper treatment.

3.      To promote the awareness about the different facilities of government hospital for the common people. 

Programme Outcome



1.      Students visited the different locations of the village and guided villagers to keep the living environment clean and green.

2.      Students requested GRAM PRADHAN JI to support their mission for the welfare of the villagers and he provided his extended support in this awareness program.

3.      Women were specially guided by the students to keep their children clean by regular handwash and bathing.





Event Name

Awareness Programme on Hygienic Factors of Human Health





Organized by

Vishvesvaraya Club: JB Institute of Technology

Participated by

30 Students &03 Teachers

Programme Coordinator

Mr. Rohit Chauhan

Programme Content


Programme Objective

1.      To encourage villagers to keep the residing area neat and clean to promote a healthy life in the village.

2.      To distribute kits to villagers for sanitization containing soaps, detergent powder, shampoo and handwash to keep their home and surrounding clean.

3.      To create awareness among the villagers about the benefits of healthy life.

Programme Outcome

1.      Students visited approached to GRAM PRADHAN JI and took his help to carry-on the activities of this awareness programme.

2.      Students distributed around 50 kits to the villagers for sanitization of their living area.

3.      Villagers were highly satisfied by the steps taken by the students and promised to keep their living area and surrounding clean.




Event Name

Awareness Programme on Tree Sapling Plantation





Organized by

Eco Club : JB Institute of Technology

Participated by

37 Students &03 Teachers

Program Coordinator

Mr. Lakhan Singh

Program Content

Tree Sapling Plantation Drive

Program Objective


1.      To create the awareness among the villagers about the Tree & Sapling Plantation by keeping them associated in plantation in the region.


2.      To identify different locations and plant saplings of different kinds in LaxmipurVillage.



Program Outcome


1.      At the different locations of Village Laxmipur, students executed 50 tree & sapling plantations with the help of local area villagers.

2.      Students also distributed saplings to the villagers for to plant at the important locations of the village to keep the environment clean and green.

3.      Students educated villagers regarding about the importance of the environment conservation and sustainability.




Event Name

Awareness Programme on Hygienic Factors of Human Health





Organized by

CSR Club: JB Institute of Technology

Participated by

52 Students &02 Teachers

Programme Coordinator

Mr. Manoj Chaudhary

Programme Content


Programme Objective

1.      To promote a healthy way of life among the villagers by encouraging them to keep their homes and nearby area clean.

2.      To provide villagerssanitization kits containing soaps, detergent, shampoo, and handwash gel to keep them and their belonging and surrounding clean.

3.      To provide awareness about the causes and effects of unhygienic body and environment on the human health and society.

Programme Outcome

1.      In association with the GRAM PRADHAN SAHASPUR VILLAGE, students visited multiple locations of the village to execute the programme objective of this awareness programme and also encouraged villagers to move ahead for cleanliness.

2.      Approximately 40 sanitization kits were distributed to the villagers containing soaps, detergent, shampoo, and handwash gel. This approached induced a positive thinking in the villagers to support clean life style.

3.      Students created awareness among women to teach their children about the good and bad habits for health issues.


Event Name

Awareness Programme on ‘SIDE EFFECTS OF ALCOHOL USE’




Village Dudhai

Organized by

Technovation Club : JB Institute of Technology
Electrotech Club : JB Institute of Technology

Participated by

52 Students &05 Teachers

Programme Coordinator(s)

Mr. Virendra Kumar & Mr. RajendraPrajapati

Programme Content

Prevention against Drug Abuse

Programme Objective

1.      To promote education about the need to prevent abuse of Alcohol consumption in the society.

2.      To motivate people to continue participating in non-drug-related endeavoursaimed for the welfare of society in order to divert them from consumption of alcohol.

3.      To provide the awareness regarding the health warning issues pertaining to the side effects of alcohol.

4.      To promote awareness about the early symptoms and treatment of various diseases caused by alcohol.

Programme Outcome

1.      Students conducted meetings with the villagers of Dudhai andpositively provoked to prevent the alcohol use.

2.      Women were specially guided to provide a counselling to their children and also other members of their families to fight against the alcohol consumption.

3.      People were guided that excessive amount of alcohol when consumed for a longer period, it causes a wide range of side effects on human body like liver damage, gastrointestinal issues, cardiovascular effects, nutritional deficiency,cancer and ill mental health etc.


Event Name

Awareness Programme on Cleaning & Health Safety Measures





Organized by

Vishvesvaraya Club: JB Institute of Technology

Participated by

37 Students &03 Teachers

Programme Coordinator

Mr. Rohit Chauhan

Programme Content


Programme Objective

1.      To promote the cleanliness and hygiene factors in the targeted area of the society by educating them about the importance of good health and environment.

2.      To educated people to prevent littering and pollution by guiding them about the appropriate waste disposal practices.

3.      To create a sense of aesthetic responsibility in the people to keep clean and well-maintained environment by self-starting the cleanliness drives time to time.

4.      To educate villagers to address the general issues related to the health and safety to the local authorities and public servants.

Programme Outcome

1.      Student guided and motivated the people to perform their civic responsibilities through healthy community engagement.

2.      Students visited at different locations of the village and according to the pre-decided objectives of this awareness programme promoted sustainable practices for health safety measures.

3.      People were requested to induce a practice of good habit among the children for their good health to insure a good healthy society of tomorrow.


Event Name

Awareness Programme on Health Safety Measures





Organized by

Mind Mantra – The Health Club : JB Institute of Technology

Participated by

30 Students &03 Teachers

Programme Coordinator

Mr. Madan Pal

Programme Content


Programme Objective

1.      To promote the villagers engagementto keep them healthy by spreading awareness about the health safety tips.

2.      To educate villagers about the benefits of good health and dangers of diseases.

3.      To promote a sense of responsibility among the villagers to keep their area clean with the collective efforts.

Programme Outcome

1.      Students visited Parteetpur Village and conducted door to door meetings with the villagers of different ages and gender including women, children, youth and senior citizens regard to keep area clean and also encouraged them to avoid the consumption of all kinds of intoxication.

2.      People were guided and motivated to fight against the bad habits which harm the human health.

3.      Students also distributed soap, detergent and shampoo to the villagers to keep them selves clean.


Event Name

Awareness Programme on Hygienic Factors of Human Health





Organized by

Tech-Know Giant Club: JB Institute of Technology

Participated by

37 Students &03 Teachers

Programme Coordinator

Mr. Santosh Mishra

Programme Content


Programme Objective

1.      To promote a healthy way of life among the villagers by encouraging them to keep their homes and nearby area clean.

2.      To provide villagerssanitization kits containing soaps, detergent, shampoo, and handwash gel to keep them and their belongings and surrounding clean.

3.      To provide awareness about the causes and effects of unhygienic body and environment on the human health and society.

Programme Outcome

1.      In association with the GRAM PRADHAN Herbertpur VILLAGE, students visited multiple locations of the village to execute the program objective of this awareness program and encouraged villagers to move ahead for cleanliness.

2.      Approximately 40 sanitization kits were distributed to the villagers that contain soaps, detergent, shampoo, and handwash gel. This approach induced a positive thinking in the villagers to support clean lifestyle.

3.      Students created awareness among women to teach their children about the good and bad habits for health issues.


Event Name

Awareness Programme on Hygienic Factors of Human Health





Organized by

ECO CLUB: JB Institute of Technology

Participated by

49 Students &04 Teachers

Programme Coordinator

Mr. Lakhan Singh

Programme Content


Programme Objective

1.      To promoteawareness in the society about the all-possible preventions of several diseased caused by unhygienic environment.

2.      To educate people to keep good physical and mental health by enforcing the implementation of all important factors of good hygienic system.

3.      To educate people to help to keep living area clean by properly maintaining environmental health and voiding the practices of environmental hazard.

4.      To make people aware about the personal hygienic habits and maintaining healthy diet.

Programme Outcome

1.      Team of students visited Khushalpur Village and through the association of some learned villagers, they educated other people about the health safety tricks.

2.      Women were guided to use keep themselves clean during the menstrual time by using good quality of sanitary pads.

3.      People were motivated to stop littering and inadequate methods of waste to safeguard environment and public health.

4.      Villagers expressed their due support during the organization of this awareness programme with an intent to keep & implement all hygienic factors in common lives.


Event Name

Awareness Programme on Tree Plantation





Organized by

Mechnokriti Club : JB Institute of Technology

Participated by

37 Students & 03 Teachers

Program Coordinator

Mr. Ravi Shankar

Program Content


Program Objective

1.      To have Tree Plantation at the different locations of Indripur Village to promote the conservation of biodiversity.

2.      To motivate people about the importance of Tree Plantation and its contribution to safeguard our climate and nature.

3.      To promote the community engagement for nation-wide mission of Go-Green.

Program Outcome

1.      There were 30 locations were identified by the student with the help of villagers and different kind of Tree Plantation was successfully donewith all required preparations and precautions.

2.      People were educated about the good effects of Tree and Plants in the eco-system and human health.

3.      Students also encouraged people to have Tree Plantation time to time as different tree and plants have their unique medicinal benefits which are important and useful for human life.


Event Name

An awareness programme on Female Feticide




Vikas Nagar, Dehradun

Organized by

Mind Mantra – The Health Club : JB Institute of Technology
 Dr. KKBM Subharti Hospital, Dehradun

Participated by

52 Students &04 Teachers

Program Coordinator

Mr. Bharat Pal

Program Content

Female Foeticide

Program Objective

1.      To create awareness among the people to prevent female feticide in the society by educating them about the importance of girls’ existence.

2.      To distribute pamphlets in the society to spread information and awareness about the rights of women for their safety and empowerment.

3.      To educate the society with the help of doctors from Dr. KKBM Subharti Hospital, Dehradun regarding to maintain significant ratio of girls in the population.

Program Outcome

1.      With the help of expert team of Dr. KKBM Subharti Hospital, Dehradun, a medical camp was organized in Vikas Nagar, Dehradunin which medical counselling were provided to people regarding to prevent female feticide.

2.      Students disseminated information regarding the women health and safety in the society by preventing female feticide.

3.      People assumed and considered that girls are the future of the world, they should be deal with extreme care to safeguard their rights, health and ratio in the society.


Event Name

Awareness Programme on‘DRUG ABUSE’





Organized by

Tech-Know Giants Club: JB Institute of Technology

Participated by

25 Students &02 Teachers

Programme Coordinator

Mr. Suraj Sinha

Programme Content

Drug Abuse

Programme Objective

1.      To encourage people to participate in the social programme to stop the drug abuse in the society and to create a sense of responsibility and devotion in the society to collectively fight against drug abuse.

2.      To educate people with knowledge, skill and abilities to fight against the drug abuse.

3.      To address preventive warning to the people about the side effects of drug abuse on the human health and society.

4.       To spread awareness about the prevention of all intoxication to be supplied through illegal sale to youth and elder people.

Programme Outcome

1.      Students visited different residences of people of Kalyanpur Village and conducted meetings to make them aware about the critical issue of drug abuse of the society.

2.      Students guided villagers about the preventive checks and measures to be implemented to eradicate the drug abuse in the society.

3.      People were guided to support & participate in Yoga, Meditation, Sports, Games and other physical and social exercises useful for the society at large.


Event Name

An awareness programme on Fire Safety Measures




Laxmipur, Dehradun

Organized by

Vishvesvaraya Club : JB Institute of Technology

Participated by

22 Students &05 Teachers

Program Coordinator

Mr. Rohit Chauhan

Program Content

Fire Safety Measures

Program Objective

1.      To make people aware about the preventive measures to be taken in case of fire threat.

2.      To provide training to the villagers for fire safety under the guidance of Sudama Narayan Institute of Fire and Safety, Dehradun.

3.      To encourage people to come forward to help the society in case of fire related accidents.

Program Outcome

1.      In the open ground of the Govt. Primary School of Laxmipur, students demonstrated the techniques for the fire safety measures to the villagers under the guidance of Sudama Narayan Institute of Fire and Safety, Dehradun.

2.      Through the Fire Safety training children, teachers and villagers were educated to about the fire safety measure.


Event Name

Joint Awareness Programme on AIDS & CANCER




Vikas Nagar

Organized by

Mind Mantra – The Health Club
JB Institute of Technology

Participated by

40 Students &04 Teachers

Program Coordinator

Mr. Bharat Pal

Program Content


Program Objective

1.      To conduct an awareness programme with the kind cooperation of Dr. KKBM Subharti Hospital to create awareness regarding AIDS & CANCER.

2.      To distribute pamphlets among masses to make them aware about the side effects, preventive treatment and precautions regarding the AIDS & CANCER.


Program Outcome

1.      Students visited Rural Area to approach a large number of people to make them aware about the critical challenges associated with human health through AIDS and CANCER.

2.      Students interacted with villagers and guided them to keep safety and care from AIDS & CANCER.


Event Name

Awareness Programme on Tree Sapling Plantation





Organized by

Eco Club: JB Institute of Technology

Participated by

45 Students &02 Teachers

Program Coordinator

Mr. Lakhan Singh

Program Content

Tree Sapling Plantation

Program Objective



1.      To conduct sapling plantation at the various locations of Sabhawala by educating people about the importance of sapling plantation required to maintain ecological balance.

2.      To educate people about the social, economic and health benefits of tree and plants in the human life.

3.      To encourage people to organize and participate in the community welfare program for the nation-wide campaign of Go-Green.



Program Outcome

1.      A dedicated team of students reached Sabhawala and communicated good ideas to the people to keep the surrounding clean and green to prevent the disastrous effect of nature in absence of trees and plants.

2.      At the 40 different locations of the village, tree sapling plantation was done by the joint engagement of villagers to induce a sense of pride and dedicate towards society.

3.      Students also distributed 20 plants to the different households of the village.



Event Name

An awareness programme on Fire Safety




Rampur Kala, Dehradun

Organized by

Vishveswaraya Club: JB Institute of Technology
Sudama Narayan Institute of Fire and Safety, Dehradun

Participated by

45 Students &05 Teachers

Program Coordinator

Mr. Rohit Chauhan

Program Content

Fire Safety

Program Objective



1.      To provide the training to the common people to help people in case of fire threat by providing a demonstration under the guidance of Sudama Narayan Institute of Fire and Safety, Dehradun.




2.      To motivate people to be help people with courage in case of fire accident/disaster by getting proper training and awareness. 



Program Outcome




1.      Students demonstrated the techniques for the fire safety measures to the villagers under the guidance of Sudama Narayan Institute of Fire and Safety, Dehradun at Rampur Kala village.




2.      Through the Fire Safety training local area people were educated about the fire safety measure to be taken in the case of emergency.





Event Name

An awareness programme on Fire Safety




Sahaspur, Dehradun

Organized by

Vishveswaraya Club, JB Institute of Technology

Participated by

22 Students &05 Teachers

Program Coordinator

Mr. Rohit Chauhan

Program Content

Fire Safety at Home

Program Objective

1.      To create awareness among the people regarding the Fire Safety at Home and to provide them training to take preventive measures for the fire safety with the kind support of trained staff of Sudama Narayan Institute of Fire and Safety, Dehradun.




2.      To aware people about the Do and Don’t’ steps of fire safety at home and to motivate people to become fire fighter.


Program Outcome

1.      With the expert team of Sudama Narayan Institute of Fire and Safety, Dehradun demonstrations were made at the different locations of Sahaspur village.




2.      Through this Fire Safety training at multiple locations, the local area people were educated about the fire safety measure to be taken forfire disaster and mitigation.




Event Name

Awareness Programme on Importance of Dental Health





Organized by

Technovation Club and Electro Tech Club: JB Institute of Technology

Participated by

25 Students &03 Teachers

Program Coordinator

Mr. Bharat Pal &Dr. Swat Tripathi

Program Content

Importance of Dental Health

Program Objective

1.      To conduct an awareness programme on Importance of Dental Health with the kind cooperation of Dr. V. K. Tiwari, Dental Surgeon.



2.      To conduct a free dental health check-up in village Sahaspur to make people aware about the steps for good oral and dental health.


Program Outcome

1.      During this outreach programmestudents visitedSahaspurvillageand provided free dental health-checkup serviceswith the kind help of Dr. V K Tiwari and motivated the society to keep their good dental and oral health by keeping the preventive practices.


2.      Through this medical & health check-up initiative more than 35 villagers were benefitted through the doctor’s consultation and further medical treatments.




Event Name

A Joint Awareness Programme on Beti Bachao Beti Padhao




Vikas Nagar

Organized by

Youth Red Cross Unit
JB Institute of Technology

Participated by

37 Students &05 Teachers

Program Coordinator

Mr. Bharat Pal

Program Content

Beti Bachao Beti Padhao

Program Objective


1.      To conduct an awareness programme on ‘Beti Bahcao Beti Padhao’ to empower the ratio and education in the society.

2.      To educate the society about the need and importance of girls and their education.

3.      To motivate people to support the girls in their education and upliftment.

4.      To distribute pamphlets in support of nation-wide campaign ‘Beti Bahcao Beti Padhao’ to the common people.


Program Outcome


1.      In association with Block Development Officer, Vikas Nagar, the students’ team of our institution conducted a social awareness programme in Vikas Nagar to empower girls by moving on the nation-wide campaign of Beti Bachao and Beti Padhao.

2.      Students conducted in-person meetings with villagers and highlighted the importance of girls’ health & education.

3.      Local Area Police Administration also participate in this social programme for the good cause of humanity.



Event Name

An awareness programme to‘Follow Traffic Rules’




Vikas Nagar, Dehradun

Organized by

CSR Club and JB Institute of Technology
Dr. KKBM Subharti Hospital, Dehradun

Participated by

30 Students &03 Teachers

Program Coordinator

Mr. SushilRauthan

Program Content


Program Objective



1.      To create awareness in publicabout the traffic rules to prevent road accidents.

2.      To create awareness about the legal penalties by distributing pamphlets containing written information on traffic rules on violations of traffic rules. 

3.      To encourage people to wear helmets and use seat belts while driving two-wheelers and four-wheelers, respectively. 


Program Outcome




1.      A team of students visited Vikas Nagar and created awareness about the traffic rules by showcasing banner and distributing pamphlets on the different locations of village and on adjacent highway.

2.      Around 20 drivers of two-wheeler were provided pamphlet creating legal awareness about the traffic rules and safety measures. Villagers welcomed and supported the initiative taken by the institution.




Event Name

A joint awareness programme to Prevent and Protect Women from Harassment




Vikas Nagar

Organized by

NSS Unit: JB Institute of Technology
Uttarakhand Police

Participated by

52 Students &05 Teachers

Program Coordinator

Mr. Santosh Mishra

Program Content

Prevent and Protect Women from Harassment

Program Objective

1.      To educate the villagers about the women safety and security specially focusing on the women training through GAURA SHAKTI MOBILE APP of Uttarakhand Police.

2.      To distribute the pamphlets containing the salient features of GAURA SHAKTI MOBILE APP of Uttarakhand Police to be used in case of immediate help.

3.      To encourage villagers to respect the women and to motivate them to stop every kind of women harassment in the society.

Program Outcome

1.      Students collectively visited the Vikas Nagar and distributed the informative templates of GAURA SHAKTI MOBILE APP of Uttarakhand Police among people.

2.      Through the team of our students, women were provided training to install and use GAURA SHAKTI MOBILE APP of Uttarakhand Police in case of emergency.

3.      Uttarakhand Police provided a letter of appreciation to our institute for successfully conducting this important programme.


Event Name

Awareness Programme on Earphones: Comfort of Problem(इयरफोनआरामयासमस्या‘)




Rampur Village

Organized by

Youth Red Cross Unit : JB Institute of Technology
Amar Ujala

Participated by

23 Students and 02 Teachers

Program Coordinator

Mr. Bharat Pal

Program Content

Earphones: Comfort of Problem

Program Objective

1.      To conduct an awareness programme with the kind cooperation of AMAR UJALA and Dr. Parul Goyal (Gold Medalist), ENT Specialist, ADVANCED ENT CLINIC to make people aware about the side effects of earbuds/earphones.

2.      To help people to avoid the unwanted use of earbuds/earphones.

3.      To encourage people to use earbuds/earphones in case of urgent need to a minimum volume.

Program Outcome

1.      With the kind cooperation of AMAR UJALA and Dr. Parul Goyal (Gold Medalist), ENT Specialist, ADVANCED ENT CLINIC, an awareness programme was conducted in RAMPUR village and people were guidedabout the side effects of earbuds/earphones on human health.

2.      Dr. Parul Goyal (Gold Medalist), ENT Specialist, ADVANCED ENT CLINIC addressed people about the loss hearing caused by earbuds/earphones as a permanent and incurable disease.



Event Name

An awareness programme on Organ Donation




Vikas Nagar, Dehradun

Organized by

Technovation Club :JB Institute of Technology
Dr. KKBM Subharti Hospital, Dehradun

Participated by

52 Students &05 Teachers

Program Coordinator(s)

Ms. Neelima&Dr. Swati Tripathi

Program Content

Organ Donation

Program Objective


1.      To create awareness among the people about the importance of organ donation to save the lives.

2.      To distribute pamphlets in the society to spread information and awareness about organ donation through which other lives can be supported by multiple ways.

3.      To educate the society with the help of doctors from Dr. KKBM Subharti Hospital, Dehradun to support organ donation to needy and poor.


Program Outcome


1.      With the help of expert team of Dr. KKBM Subharti Hospital, Dehradun, a medical camp was organized in Vikas Nagar, Dehradunin which medical counselling were provided to people regarding to promote organ donation practices in the society.


2.      Students disseminated information regarding the organ donation in the society.Peopleassumed and considered that they should support, promote and participate in the organ donation to safeguard other lives of needy and poor.



Event Name

An awareness programme on Viral Hepatitis




Vikas Nagar, Dehradun

Organized by

Mind Mantra the Heath Club : JB Institute of Technology
 Dr. KKBM Subharti Hospital, Dehradun

Participated by

35 Students &03 Teachers

Program Coordinator

Mr. Bharat Pal

Program Content

Viral Hepatitis

Program Objective



1.      To create awareness in publicabout the early symptom and preventive measures to safeguard them from Hepatitis.

2.      To create awareness about the good publichealth by distributing pamphlets containing written information on Viral Hepatitis. 

3.      To showcase a medical advice chart to public through banner presentation to create awareness in the society about the reasons, symptoms and treatment of Hepatitis.


Program Outcome



1.      A team of students visited Vikas Nagar Village and created awareness about the Hepatitis by showcasing banner and distributing pamphlets on the different locations of village area.


2.      With the help of doctors’ team of Dr. KKBM Subharti Hospital, Dehradun, there were 50 patients were diagnosed through this outreach programme.




Event Name

An awareness programme on Remove Plastic and Save Earth




Sahaspur, Dehradun

Organized by

Mechnokriti Club : JB Institute of Technology

Participated by

40 Students &03 Teachers

Program Coordinator

Mr. Jitendra Kumar

Program Content


Program Objective


1.      To create awareness among the people about the disastrous effects of plastic against the natural resources and human health.To clean the area from plastic and to encourage people to Say no to Plastic.

2.      To distribute pamphlets in the society to spread information and awareness about plastic dangers through whichnatural resources may be safeguarded.

3.      To educate the society with the help of Office of Block Development Officer Sahaspur, Dehradunto support campaign against plastic use.


Program Outcome


1.      With the help of expert team ofOffice of Block Development Officer Sahaspur, Dehradun students participated in this programme and cleaned some areas of Sahaspur by educating people to avoid plastic use.


2.      Students disseminated information regarding the Remove Plastic and Save Earth in the society to get their due support to avoid the plastic use to safeguard the nature.



Event Name

Awareness Programme on ‘Social Issues’





Rampur Village

Organized by

Technovation Club | Electro-Tech Club | Indian Red Cross Society

Participated by

25 Students &03 Teachers

Program Coordinator

Ms. Neelima&Dr. Swati Tripathi

Program Content


Program Objective

1.      To conduct an awareness programme in Rampur Village with Magician V. K. Samrat to covey beautiful social messages through his magic tricks dedicated to highlight the importance of BetiBachaoBetiPadhao, Water Conservation, Tree Plantation, Blood Donation, Population Control and Cleanliness.


Program Outcome

1.      Youth Red Cross Unit of JB Institute of Technology conducted anawareness visit in Rampur Village with Magician V. K. Samrat and showcased magic tricks as art/tool to convey positive message in the society for important issues to be taken into consideration for the social development of the society.


2.      Magician V. K. Samrat highly encouraged people to educate girls children on priority.


3.      People of Rampur village participated in this awareness programme with zeal and joy.


Event Name

A joint awareness programme to Prevent Domestic Violence against Women




Sahaspur, Dehradun

Organized by

NSS Unit : JB Institute of Technology
Uttarakhand Police

Participated by

25 Students &02 Teachers

Program Coordinator(s)

Mr. Ravi Shankar

Program Content

Prevent Domestic Violence against Women

Program Objective

1.      To disseminate leaflets outlining the key elements of the Uttarakhand Police’s Gaur Shakti Mobile App, which can be used in an emergency for help.

2.      To educate the villagers to respect women and put an end to all forms of female harassment in the community.

3.      To inform the villagers about the protection and security of women, with a focus on women’s training using the Uttarakhand Police’s GAURA SHAKTI MOBILE APP.

Program Outcome

1.      In a form of a team, students visited the Sahaspur village and distributed the informative pamphlets of GAURA SHAKTI MOBILE APP of Uttarakhand Police among people to make people aware about the women safety services of Uttarakhand Police.

2.      Students provided training to the villagers belonging to the Sahaspur about the salient features of GAURA SHAKTI MOBILE APP of Uttarakhand Police specially designed for women safety and security.

3.      Our institute received a letter of appreciation from the Uttarakhand Police for effectively executing this significant programme.


Event Name

Awareness Programme on Importance of Dental Health





Organized by

Youth Red Cross Unit
JB Institute of Technology

Participated by

40 Students &04 Teachers

Program Coordinator

Mr. Bharat Pal

Program Content

Importance of Dental Health

Program Objective

1.      To conduct an awareness programme on Importance of Dental Health with the kind cooperation of Dr. Soniya Pal, Dental Surgeon.

2.      To conduct a free dental health check-up in village Laxmipur to make people aware about the steps for good oral and dental health.

Program Outcome

1.      During this outreach programmestudents visited Laxmipurvillageand provided free dental health-checkup serviceswith the kind help of Dr. V K Tiwari and motivated the society to keep their good dental and oral health by keeping the preventive practices.


2.      Through this medical & health check-up initiative more than 35 villagers were benefitted through the doctor’s consultation and further medical treatments.


Event Name

Joint Awareness Programme on Child Healthcare & Hygiene





Organized by

Youth Red Cross Unit
JB Institute of Technology

Participated by

40 Students &04 Teachers

Program Coordinator

Mr. Bharat Pal

Program Content

Child Healthcare & Hygiene

Program Objective

1.      To conduct an awareness programmefor Child Healthcare and Hygiene with the kind cooperation of Dr. Nishant Pal who is a Paediatrician and highly expert for child health and treatment.

2.      To guide and motivate villagers to have regular health check-up of their wards.

3.      To conduct health-checkup of children Dr. Nishant Pal to provide villagers free of cost health and medical facility.

Program Outcome

1.      A team of our students visited village Sahaspurand conducted free medical examination of the children with the kind help of Dr. Nishant Pal and suggested their parents to follow the good habits for their good health.


2.      Through this medical & health check-up initiative more than 25 children were benefitted through the doctor’s consultation.


Event Name

Awareness Programme on ROAD SAFETY





Organized by

Tech-Know Giants& Uttarakhand Police

Resource Person

Sub Inspector – Thana Sahaspur

Participated by

22 Students &03 Teachers

Programme Coordinator

Mr. Suraj Sinha

Programme Content


Programme Objective

1.      To create awareness in the society about the road safety and traffic rules with an aim to prevent road accidents.

2.      To create awareness by distributing pamphlets indicating the information of traffic rulesabout the legal penalties on the violation of traffic rules.

3.      To encourage people not to use alcohol while driving and to wear helmet and use seat belt while driving two-wheelers and four wheelers’ vehicles respectively. 

Programme Outcome


1.      Students united together to participate in the Road Safety awareness programme in Sahasapur village with the kind cooperation of Sahaspur Thana. During this awareness programme, some police officials conducted a walk on the road to guide, address and motivate the people to follow traffic rules.

2.      Students distributed pamphlets to the peoplecomprising the information regarding traffic rules& regulation and legal penalties on the violation of traffic rules.

3.      Around 400 people were benefited through this awareness programme and local commuters supported the initiative taken by the institution.



Event Name

Awareness Programme on ‘To Fight Against Dengue & Malaria’




Sahaspur Village

Organized by

Vishvesvaraya Club

JB Institute of Technology

Participated by

25 Students &02 Teachers

Programme Coordinator

Mr. Manish Kumar

Programme Content

Fight Against Dengue & Malaria

Programme Objective

1.      To educate the locals about the causes and effects of dengue and malaria through student team visits and clarifications of the causes of the diseases.

2.      To spread the awareness about the main causes of dengue and malaria in the local community, including garbage build-up and water contamination.

3.      To broaden knowledge of the early symptoms of dengue and malaria and to receive the proper care under the supervision of a trained medical professional.

4.      To educate people on health and safety issues so they can protect themselves from dengue and malaria.

Programme Outcome

1.      In order to maintain cleanliness in area, students distributed pamphlet containing information about the DO and DON’T Steps to Fight Against Dengue & Malaria in the society.

2.      To maintain the area’s cleanliness, villagers were motivated to avoid polluting the water and roads with different kinds of contamination factors.

3.      The early symptoms of malaria were addressed to villagers to get the preventive and timely treatment.

4.      With the help of a JCB machine owned by Municipality Cooperation, students cleaned up debris on streets that were blocked by drainage issues and littering near the market area.


Event Name

Awareness Programme on Tree Plantation




Dudhai Village

Organized by

Eco Club
JB Institute of Technology

Participated by

30 Students &03 Teachers

Program Coordinator

Mr. Lakhan Singh

Program Content

Tree Plantation

Program Objective

1.      To conduct environmental conservation and developmental activity by tree plantation in Dudhai village.

2.      To encourage local area volunteers and community members to participate in the tree plantation.

3.      To motivate common people of to participate in the social initiatives for environmental conservation.

Program Outcome

1.      In Dudhai village, students enunciated multiple benefits tree plantation to keep our environment of the plants and tree including the factors of water conservation and air quality.

2.      Students promoted the noble ideas to keep our environment Green for a sustainable future of the green-earth.

3.      People were informed about the medicinal benefits of plants and tree that may be used in case of illness caused by various diseases.


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