Electronics & Communication Engineering
Let us embark on a journey of academic excellence and future outlook in Electronics and Communication Engineering with JBIT.
We welcome you to discover world-class technological education in an innovative and a vibrant culture. We endeavor to bridge the gap between academia and industry by sharing practical knowledge of the design, development, fabrication and application of electronic devices, sensors, communication systems and many more.
Electronics and Communication Engineering has affected almost every walk of life by using single device to millions of devices on chip such as healthcare and environment, education, agriculture, communication, robotics, automation, avionics, automobiles, instrumentation, power and space etc.
The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering has a dedicated state-of-the-art teaching and learning facility including core branch research and innovation opportunities. Practical project analyzing, designing, implementation, testing and time to time interactions with experts of academia and industry, form a crucial part of the training imparted.
The growing demands of our Electronics and Communication Engineering students is proven by our distinguished alumni, working in India and abroad, at top leadership positions in academia, industry and other.
To be a leading department, recognized for excellence in education, research, and innovation, producing highly skilled professionals and contributing to provide advanced knowledge in the field of Electronics and Communication Engineering.
1. To provide high-quality education that boosts theoretical knowledge and practical skills, fostering critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving abilities among students.
2. To inculcate a culture of research and innovation in Electronics and Communication Engineering by encouraging faculty and students in cutting-edge research, development of new technologies and solution-oriented projects that address societal challenges.
3. To establish strong partnerships and collaborations with industries, research organizations, and government agencies, facilitating knowledge exchange, internships, and industry-oriented projects.
4. To actively engage with the local community, organizing workshops, seminars, and outreach programs that promote awareness about emerging technologies in Electronics and Communication Engineering.
5 . To continually evaluate and enhance the quality of teaching, research, and overall departmental performance through regular feedback, assessment, and collaboration with stakeholders.
Electronics And Communication Engineering
Backbone of Modern Communication System”
Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) is one of the dynamic and rapidly evolving fields of engineering that lies at the forefront of technological advancements, shaping the world we live in today.
ECE Department at JBIT, believes in fostering a culture of innovation, creativity, and critical thinking among its students. Our dedicated faculties are committed to deliver quality education and are passionate about guiding and empowering their students to be successful professionals and leaders of tomorrow.In addition to a robust academic foundation, we also emphasize practical exposure and hands-on experience. Our state-of-the-art laboratories are equipped with cutting-edge equipments and software, enabling students to gain practical insights into the design and implementation of electronic circuits and communication systems.
We provide a nurturing and inclusive environment for holistic development of students to foster their personal growth and character development. We encourage them to participate in various technical competitions, workshops, research projects, start-up, internships, and industry interactions and industry collaborations to enhance their skills and broaden their horizons as well as to actively participate in co-curricular activities, clubs, and sports, to enhance their leadership, teamwork, and interpersonal skills.
All the Best Wishes
Contact Info
Mr. Prem Kumar HOD ECE
JB Institute of Technology, Dehradun
Mail: hod.ece@jbitdoon.edu.in
Mob No- 91-9410651947
S.No. | Salutation | Name | Father’s Name | Name of the Department |
1. | Dr. Sunil Kumar | Late Sh. Birham Singh | Electronics & Communication Engineering | Associate Professor |
2. | Ms.Neelima Singh | Mr. V.P. Singh | Electronics & Communication Engineering | Assistant Professor |
3. | Mr. Rakesh Kumar | Mr. Shri Chand | Electronics & Communication Engineering | Assistant Professor |
4. | Ms. Surabhi Chauhan | Mr. Shoorveer Singh Chauhan | Electronics & Communication Engineering | Assistant Professor |
5. | Mr. Ajit Singh Rathor | Late Sh. Harpal Singh Rathor | Electronics & Communication Engineering | Assistant Professor |
6. | Ms. Priti Srivastava | Mr. Hanuman Prasad Srivastava | Electronics & Communication Engineering | Assistant Professor |
7. | Mr. Prem Kumar | Mr. Keshav Ram | Electronics & Communication Engineering | Associate Professor |
8. | Ms. Geeta Dhyani | Mr. Subhash Dhyani | Electronics & Communication Engineering | Assistant Professor |
9. | Mr. Bhagwan Lal Karn | Mr. Prayag Lal das | Electronics & Communication Engineering | Assistant Professor |
ECE Syllabus
SYLLABUS 2022 | ||
1 | B.Tech First Year | View. |
5 | B.Tech 2ND TO 4TH SPECILIZATION IN Cyber Security | View. |
10 | SYLLABUS 2020-21 | View. |
11 | SYLLABUS 2019-20 | View. |
12 | SYLLABUS 2018 | VIEW |
Program Specific Outcomes and Program Educational Objectives
Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialisation for the solution of complex engineering problems.
Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyse complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
Design/Development of Solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, and cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modelling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal, and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and the need for sustainable development.
Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice
Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with the society at large, such as being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions
Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and managementprinciples and apply these to one’s work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
Life-long learning: Recognise the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life long learning in the broadest context of technological change.
Ability to identify, formulate, analyze, and solve problems of Electronics and Communication Engineering and to apply them to various areas like analog and digital electronics,communication, signal processing, VLSI systems, embedded systems, robotics, artificial intelligence, IoT, and other multidisciplinary environments.
Ability to understand the changes or future trends in the field of Electronics and Communication Engineering and apply the concepts to design electronic systems using hardware, software, and electronic design automation tools.
The graduates will utilize their expertise in Engineering to solve the industry’s technological problems.
Analyse real-life problems, design appropriate systems to provide technically sound, economically feasible, and socially acceptable solution.
Exhibit professionalism, ethical attitude, communication skills, and teamwork in their profession and adapt to current trends by engaging in lifelong learning.
S.NO | Subject Name | Subject Code | Course Outcome |
B.Tech. -3thSem. Electronics and Communication Engg. Department | |||
1 | Advanced Applied Mathematics | (AHT-006) | CO1: Remember the concept of Laplace transform and apply it in solving real-life problems. CO2: Apply the concept of Fourier transform to evaluate engineering problems. CO3: Understand to evaluate roots of algebraic and transcendental equations. CO4: Solve the problem related to interpolation, differentiation, integration, and the solution of differential equations. CO5: Understand the concept of correlation, regression, moments, skewness kurtosis, and curve fitting. |
2 | Technical Communication | (AHT-007) | CO1: Enabled to understand the nature and objective of Technical Communication relevant to the workplace as Engineers. CO2: Able to utilize technical writing for the purposes of Technical Communication and its exposure in various dimensions. CO3: Able to imbibe inputs by presentation skills to enhance confidence in the face of a diverse audience. CO4: Able to create a vast know-how of the application of the learning to promote their technical competence. CO5: Enabling them to evaluate their efficacy as fluent &and efficient communicators by learning the dynamics. |
3 | ANALOG ELECTRONICS CIRCUITS | (ECT031) | CO1: Design and Analyze single and multistage amplifier circuits for small signal applications. CO2: Understand the concepts used to design and analyze high-frequency amplifier circuits. CO3: Understand the linear and nonlinear application of operational amplifiers. CO4: Understand feedback concepts in amplifier and oscillator circuits. CO5: Design and analyze power amplifier circuits. |
4 | NETWORKS & SYSTEMS | (ECT-032) | CO1: Solve electrical circuits using various network laws and theorems. CO2: Design Different electrical circuits and passive filters for various applications. CO3: Analyses different 2-port electrical networks and their parameters. CO4: Synthesize an electrical network from the given network function. CO5: Analyze various transforms and their applications. |
5 | DIGITAL ELECTRONICS | (ECT-033) | CO1 Understand the Boolean algebra and minimization of digital functions. CO2: Design and implement various combinational circuits. CO3: Design and implement various sequential circuits. CO4: Understand the digital logic families, semiconductor memories, CO5: Design the digital circuits using VHDL. |
6 | Cyber Security | (CST-005) | CO1: Understand cyber-attacks and types of cybercrimes and familiarity with cyber forensics. CO2: Realize the importance of cyber security and various forms of cyber-attacks andCountermeasures. CO3: Get familiar with obscenity and pornography in cyberspace and understand the violation of the Right to privacy on the Internet. CO4: Appraise cyber laws and how to protect themselves and, ultimately, the entire Internet Community from such attacks. CO5: Elucidate the various chapters of the IT Act 2008 power of the Central and State Governments to make rules under the IT Act 2008. |
ANALOG ELECTRONICS CIRCUITS LAB | (ECP-031) | CO1: Plot characteristics of various electronic devices. CO2: Analyze the feedback amplifier circuits. CO3: Analyze and Characterize different oscillator circuits. CO4: Design and Analyze Multi-stage amplifier circuits. CO5: Able to solve practical related to basic electronic circuits. |
NETWORKS LAB | (ECP-032) | CO1: Students will be able to design and implement various theorems. CO2: Students will be able to design and implement the transient response of the RLC circuit. CO3: Students will be able to design the experiments and analyze and interpret various two-port network parameters. CO4: Students will be able to design the experiments and analyze and interpret filters. CO5: Students will acquire skills of teamwork, technical communication, and effectivereport writing. |
DIGITAL ELECTRONICS LAB | (ECP-033) | CO1: Design and implement various digital logic circuits using ICs. CO2: Design and implement analog and digital circuits using TCAD tools and FPGA boards. CO3: Design the experiments and analyze and interpret data to achieve valid conclusions. CO4: Acquire skills in teamwork, technical communication, and effective report writing. CO5: Capable of solving practical digital electronics circuits. |
B.Tech. -4thSem Mechanical Engg. Department | |||
7 | Universal Human Values | (AHT-008) | CO1: Are expected to become more aware of themselves, and their surroundings (family, society, nature) CO2: Would become more responsible in life, and in handling problems with sustainable solutions, while keeping human relationships and human nature in mind. CO3: Would have better critical ability. CO4: Would also become sensitive to their commitment towards what they have understood (human values,human relationships, and human society). CO5: Would be able to apply what they have learned to their own self in different day-to-day settings in real life,at least a beginning would be made in this direction. |
8 | DATA STRUCTURES AND ALGORITHMS | (CST-003) | CO1: Compare functions using asymptotic analysis and describe the relative merits of worst-case, average-case, and best-case analysis. CO2: Become familiar with a variety of sorting algorithms and their performance characteristics (e.g., running time, stability, space usage) and be able to choose the best one under a variety of requirements. CO3: Understand and identify the performance characteristics of fundamental algorithms anddata structures and be able to trace their operations for problems such as sorting,searching, selection, operations on numbers, and graphs. CO4: Solve real-world problems using arrays, stacks, queues, and linked lists. CO5: Become familiar with the major graph algorithms and their analyses. Employ graphs tomodel engineering problems when appropriate. |
9 | ANALOG COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS | (ECT-041) | CO1: Students will be able to design and analyze various continuous modulation schemes. CO2: Students will be able to analyze the noise performance of continuous modulation systems. CO3: Students will acquire knowledge of digital baseband transmissions. CO4: Students will be able to understand different modulation techniques used in digital communications. CO5: Students will be capable of solving engineering problems related to communication systems. |
10 | MICROPROCESSORS & MICROCONTROLLERS | (ECT-042) | CO1: Students will be able to understand the architecture and develop a program of Intel 8085/8086. CO2: Students will be able to understand the working and use of different peripherals of microprocessors. CO3: Students will be able to understand the architecture of microcontroller and programming. CO4: Students will be able to interface a microcontroller system to other electronic systems. CO5: Students will be capable of solving engineering problems related to microprocessors and microcontrollers. |
11 | ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD THEORY | (ECT-043) | CO1: Students will be able to understand principles, theorems of electromagnetic, and their applications. CO2: Students will beabletoapplytheknowledgeofelectromagnetic for time-varying fields. CO3: Students will be able to understand the workings of transmission lines and their applications. CO4: Students will be able to understand the propagation of EM waves through waveguides. CO5: Students will be able to solve engineering problems related to electromagnetic. |
12 | ANALOG COMMUNICATION LAB | (ECP-041) | CO1: Students will be able to design and test different modulation and demodulation schemes of analog communication. CO2: Students will be able to implement various digital modulation techniques using hardware circuits. CO3: Students will be able to design the experiments, analyze and interpret the measured data. CO4: Students will acquire skills in teamwork, technical communication, and report writing. CO5: Students will be capable of solving practical communication engineering problems. |
CSP-003: DATA STRUCTURES AND ALGORITHMS LAB | CO1: Develop programs using dynamic memory allocation and linked list ADT. CO2: Apply Stack and Queue to solve problems. CO3: Implement the concept of hashing in real-time dictionaries. CO4: Identify and implement suitable data structures for the given problem. CO5: Solve real-world problems by finding the minimum spanning tree and the shortest path algorithm. |
13 | MICROPROCESSOR & MICROCONTROLLER LAB | (ECP-042) | CO1: Students will be able to write assembly language programs in 8085 and 8086 microprocessors. CO2: Students will get the knowledge of Memory and peripheral interfacing with CO3: Microprocessors (8085/8086). Students will be able to write programs for 8051 microcontrollers. CO4: Students will acquire skills of teamwork, technical communication, and effective, report writing. CO5: Students will be capable of solving practical engineering problems related to the application of microprocessors and microcontrollers. |
14 | B.Tech. -5thSem. Electronics and Communication Engg. Department | ||
15 | ANTENNA AND WAVE PROPAGATION | (ECT-051) | CO1: Understand various performance parameters of the antenna and their applications. CO2: Understand the principles of various practical antenna and antenna arrays. CO3: Understand different aspects of wave propagation. CO4: Measure various antenna parameters. CO5:Solve engineering problems related to antenna and propagation. |
16 | DIGITAL COMMUNICATION | (ECT052) | CO1: Design PCM systems CO2: Design and implement baseband transmission schemes. CO3: Design and implement band pass signaling schemes. CO4: Analyze the spectral characteristics of bandpass signaling schemes and their noise Performance. CO5: Design error control coding schemes. |
17 | SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES | (ECT-053) | CO1: Describe and illustrate the Energy Bands, Charge Carriers and Carrier Transport Phenomena in semiconductors. CO2: Illustrate with the sketch of the structure of the PN Junction and Junction Diodes. diagram their characteristics and analyze them. CO3: Appraise the principle of operation BJTs, schematize their characteristics, and assess. and summarize their features. CO4: Understand the design and performance parameters of MOSFETs. CO5: Acquire knowledge about the working principles of advanced semiconductor devices. CO6:Solve engineering problems related to Semiconductor Devices. |
18 | MULTIMEDIA COMMUNICATION | (EEC-011) | CO1: Understand aspects of multimedia communication system. CO2: Understand the coding techniques used in multimedia communication. CO3: Understand the standards of multimedia communication. CO4: Understand transmission links and applications of multimedia communication. CO5:Solve engineering problems related to multimedia communication. |
EMBEDDED SYSTEM | (EEC-012) | CO1: Understand various techniques of embedded systems. CO2: Understand the device drivers and interrupt services. CO3: Understand inter-process communication and synchronization. CO4: Understand the concepts of real-time operating systems. CO5: Solve Engineering problems related to embedded systems |
19 | COMPUTER NETWORKS | (EEC-013) | CO1: Understand aspects of various layers used in data communication networks. CO2: Understand switching systems. CO3: Understand protocols used in data communication networks. CO4: Understand cryptography and algorithms. CO5: Solve engineering problems related to computer networks. |
20 | DESIGN OF ANALOG CMOS INTEGRATED CIRCUITS | (EEC-014) | CO1: Realize the concepts of Analog MOS devices and current mirror circuits. CO2: Design different configurations of Amplifiers and feedback circuits. CO3: Analyze the characteristics of the frequency response of the amplifier and its noise. CO4: Analyze the performance of the stability and frequency compensation techniques ofOp-Amp Circuits. CO5: Construct switched capacitor circuits and PLLs. |
21 | POWER ELECTRONICS | (EEC-021) | CO1: Understand the principles and workings of power semiconductor devices. CO2: Design the thyristor firing circuits and their applications. CO3: Design the inverter’s circuits and their applications. CO4: Understand the cyclo-converters circuits and their applications. CO5: Solve engineering problems related to power electronics. |
22 | ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS AND FUZZY LOGIC | (EEC-022) | CO1: Understand the applications of neural networks. CO2: Understand the different aspects of neural networks. CO3: Understand the perceptron neural network. CO4: Understand the fuzzy set theory and fuzzy mapping. CO5: Solve engineering problems related to neural networks. |
23 | IOT AND MACHINE LEARNING | (EEC-023) | CO1: Understand the fundamentals of IoT and machine learning. CO2: Understand the Architecture of an IoT CO3: Understand design methodology and hardware platforms involved in IoT. CO4: Implement the IOT in the Industry & real-world |
24 | ELECTRONICS MEASUREMENT | (EEC 024) | CO1: Students will have knowledge of various measuring instruments and their applications. CO2: Students will be able to understand the principles of different AC and DC bridges and their applications. CO3: Students will be able to understand different types of signal generators and signal analysis techniques. CO4: Students will be able to understand various types of transducers. CO5: Students will be able to solve engineering problems related to measurements and instrumentation. |
INTEGRATED CIRCUITS LAB | (ECP 051) | CO1: Students will be able to simulate the electronic circuits using Op-amp. CO2: Students will be able to implement the filters using Op-amp. CO3: Students will be able to design and implement multivibrator circuits using a Timer IC 555. CO4: Students will acquire skills of teamwork, technical communication, and effective report writing. CO5: Students will be capable of solving practical engineering problems in the field of integrated circuits |
25 | CIRCUIT SIMULATION LAB | (ECP-052) | CO1: Students will be able to simulate the electronic circuits using CAD tools. CO2: Students will be able to implement the electronic circuits on nano boards. CO3: Students will be able to perform the experiments, and analyze and interpretation of data. CO4: Students will acquire skills of teamwork, technical communication, and effective report writing. CO5: Students will be capable of solving practical engineering problems using MATLAB. |
26 | SOFT COMPUTING LAB | (ECP-053) | CO1: Understand components of Soft Computing and differentiate between hard & soft computing. CO2: Understand the difference between learning and programming and explore practical applications of Neural Networks (NN) CO3: To analyze and appreciate the applications that can use fuzzy logic. CO4: Understand the efficiency of a hybrid system and how Neural Networks and fuzzy logic can be hybridized to form a Neuro-fuzzy network and its various applications and they will be able to design inference systems. CO5: Appreciate the importance of optimizations and their use in computer engineering fields and other domains. |
27 | B.Tech. -6thSem. Electronics and Communication Engg. Department | ||
28 | CONTROL SYSTEMS | (ECT-061) | CO1: Students will be able to understand the block diagram representation and reduction techniques of the control system and their application to find the transferfunction. CO2: Students will be able to understand the time and frequency response analysis aswell as stability concepts of first and second-order control systems. CO3: Students will be able to use graphical techniques to analyze and design thecontrol systems. CO4: Students will be able to understand the system equations’ invariable form. CO5: Students will be capable of solving engineering problems related to controlsystems. |
DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING | (ECT-062) | CO1: Students will be able to understand discrete Fourier transform and itsapplications. CO2: Students will be able to understand filter structures and their applications. CO3: Students will be able to design FIR filters and IIR filters for variousapplications. CO4: Students will be able to understand the advanced DSP processors and theirapplications. CO5: Students will be capable of solving engineering problems related to digital signalprocessing. |
29 | MICROWAVE ENGINEERING | (ECT-063) | CO1: Students will be able to understand the propagation of electromagnetic wavesthrough waveguides. CO2: Students will be able to understand the function of various microwave components. CO3: Students will be able to understand the measurements of various microwaveparameters. CO4: Students will be able to understand the principle and operation of microwavetubes and microwave solid-state devices. CO5: Students will be able to solve engineering problems related to microwaveapplications. |
30 | PROBABILITY THEORY AND STOCHASTIC PROCESSES | (EEC-031) | CO1: Students will demonstrate the ability to understand the representation of randomsignals. CO2: Students will be able to investigate the characteristics of random processes. CO3: Students will be able to make use of theorems related to random signals. CO4: Students will be able to understand the propagation of random signals in LTI systems. CO5: Students will be able to solve engineering problems related to random signals. |
31 | INFORMATION THEORY AND CODING | (EEC-032) | CO1: Students will be able to understand the concepts of information and entropy. CO2: Students will be able to calculate channel capacity. CO3: Students will be able to apply coding techniques. CO4: Students will be able to understand the error sources and error control coding. CO5: Students will be able to solve engineering problems related to information theoryand coding |
32 | RADAR & NAVIGATION | (EEC-033) | CO1: Students will be able to understand the principles and workings of radar systems. CO2: Students will be able to analyze and handle the signals and waveforms of radarsystems. CO3: Students will have knowledge of detection and direction-finding techniques. CO4: Students will have knowledge of satellite navigation systems. CO5: Students will be able to solve engineering problems related to radar andnavigation systems. |
ANALOG FILTER DESIGN | (EEC-034) | CO1: The students will understand the basics of analog filter design. CO2: The mathematical problem-solving ability of students improved. CO3: The students will be motivated to design of resistor active filter design. CO4: The analog system analyzing and designing skills of students will be improved. |
TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT | (AHT 011) | CO1: Identify the significance of quality in an organization. CO2: Describe how to manage quality improvement teams. CO3: Describe how to organize management and quality policies in TQM. CO4: Apply the tools of quality improvement programs in an organization. CO5: Assess the benefits of implementing the TQM Program in an organization. |
CONTROL SYSTEMS LAB | (ECP-061) | CO1: Students will be able to analyze the performance of various control systemsunder different operating conditions. CO2: Students will be able to verify the responses of various control systems. CO3: Students will be able to design the experiments and analyze and interpret data. CO4: Students will acquire skills of teamwork, technical communication, and effectivereport writing. CO5: Students will be capable of solving practical engineering problems related tocontrol systems. |
DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING LAB | (ECP-062) | CO1: Students will be able to implement various digital processing techniques usingmodern tools such as MATLAB and DSP processors. CO2: Students will be able to design various digital filters using MATLAB. CO3: Students will be able to design the experiments and analyze and interpretdata to achieve valid conclusions. CO4: Students will acquire skills of teamwork, technical communication, and effectivereport writing. CO5: Students will be capable of solving practical engineering problems related to digitalsignal processing. |
MICROWAVE LAB | (ECP-063) | CO1: Students will be able to measure the different characteristics and parameters ofvarious electromagnetic components using a standard microwave bench. CO2: Students will be able to characterize the performance parameters of waveguidesand antennas. CO3: Students will be able to design the electromagnetic experiments and analyze and interpret data. CO4: Students will acquire skills of teamwork, technical communication, and effectivereport writing. CO5: Students will be capable of solving practical engineering problems related toelectromagnetic waves. |
CONSTITUTION OF INDIA | (AHT-009) | CO1: Understand the basic knowledge and salient features of the Indian Constitution. CO2: Identify and explore the basic features and modalities ofthe Indian constitution. CO3: Discusses the essence of the Union and its territories, Citizenship, Fundamental Rights, DPSP and Fundamental Duties. CO4: Differentiate and relate the functioning of the Indian parliamentary system at the centerand state levels. CO5: Differentiate different aspects of the Indian Legal System and its related bodies. |
ESSENCE OF INDIAN TRADITIONAL KNOWLEDGE | (AHT-010) | CO1: Understand the concept of Traditional knowledge and its importance. CO2: Know the need for and importance of protecting traditional knowledge. CO3: Know the various enactments related to the protection of traditional knowledge. CO4: Understand the concepts of Intellectual property to protect traditionalknowledge. CO5: Know the contribution of scientists in different areas. |
B.Tech. -7thSem. Electronics and Communication Engg. Department | |||
Rural Development: Administration and Planning | AHT-015 | CO1: Students can understand the definitions, concepts, and components of RuralDevelopment. CO2: Students will know the importance, structure, significance, and resources of the Indian ruraleconomy. CO3: Students will have a clear idea about the area development programs and their impact. CO4: Students will be able to acquire knowledge about rural entrepreneurship. CO5: Students will be able to understand the use of different methods for human resource planning. |
PROJECT MANAGEMENT & ENTREPRENEURSHIP | AHT-016 | CO1: Understand project characteristics and various stages of a project. CO2: Understand the conceptual clarity about project organization and feasibility analyses –Market, Technical, Financial and Economic. CO3: Analyze the learning and understand techniques for Project planning, scheduling and Execution Control. CO4: Describe Entrepreneurship, Examine role of entrepreneur in economic development. CO5: Describe the steps to establish an enterprise. |
CMOS DESIGN | EEC-041 | CO1: Students will be able to understand the principles of MOS devices and their applications in designing of various MOS inverter circuits. CO2: Students will be able to implement efficient techniques at circuit level for improving power and speed of combinational and sequential circuits. CO3: Students will be able understand the pass transistors logic, transmission gates logic, static and dynamic CMOS logic circuits. CO4: Students will be able to design memories with efficient architectures to improve their performance. CO5: Students will be able to solve electronic circuit problems. |
MIXED SIGNAL DESIGN | EEC 042 | CO1: Students will be able to understand the practical situations where mixed signal analysis is required. CO2: Students will be able to analyze and handle the inter-conversions between signals. CO3: Students will be able to design systems involving mixed signals. CO4: Students will have knowledge of various ICs used in mixed signals. CO5: Students will be able to solve engineering problems related to mixed signals. |
MICRO ELECTRO-MECHANICAL SYSTEMS (MEMS) | EEC-043 | CO1: Students will be able to understand the MEMS structures and theirapplications. CO2: Students will be able to understand the microsensors and actuators. CO3: Students will be able to understand the fabrication process of MEMS. CO4: Students will have knowledge of manufacturing and design procedures of MEMS. CO5:Students will be capable of solving engineering problems related to MEMS. |
NANO-ELECTRONICS | EEC 044 | CO1: Students will be able to acquire knowledge about nano-electronics and the shrink-down approach. CO2: Students will be able to understand the concept behind nano-MOSFETs andnano-devices. CO3: Students will be able to set up and solve the Schrodinger equation fordifferent types of potentials in one dimension as well as in 2 or 3 dimensionsfor specific cases. CO4: Students will be able to acquire knowledge about leakage in nano-devices. CO5: Students will be able to understand applications of nano-electronics. |
BIOMEDICAL SIGNAL PROCESSING | EEC-051 | CO1: Students will have knowledge of different biomedical signals. CO2: Students will be able to understand the ECG and EEG signals and their analysis. CO3: Students will have knowledge of data reduction algorithms and their applications. CO4: Students will have knowledge of various filtering algorithms used in biomedicalsignal processing. CO5: Students will be capable of solving engineering problems related to biomedicalsignals. |
DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING AND APPLICATIONS | EEC-052 | CO1: Students will be able to understand various transforms used in digital image processing. CO2: Students will be able to understand image enhancement techniques and itsapplications. CO3: Students will have knowledge of image restoration and its applications. CO4: Students will be able to understand image segmentation, compression, and theirpractical use. CO5: Students will be able to solve engineering problems related to digital imageprocessing. |
ADVANCED DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING | EEC-053 | CO1: Students will be able to understand the theory of different filters and algorithms. CO2: Students will be able to understand the theory of multi-rate DSP, solve numerical-problems, and write algorithms. CO3: Students will be able to understand the power spectrum estimation techniques. CO4: Students will have knowledge of parametric methods of power spectrumestimation. CO5: Students will be able to solve engineering problems related to DSP. |
NANOMATERIALS | EEC-054 | CO1: Students will be able to understand the role of nanomaterials in communication. CO2: Students will get familiar with the basics of the synthesis mechanism of Nano Materials. CO3: Students will be able to understand different characterization techniques. CO4: Students will be able to do various analyses to understand material behavior. CO5: Students will have options to choose a particular application based on possiblefrequency bands. |
VLSI DESIGN LAB | ECP-071 | CO1: Students will be able to design and implement digital systems TCAD software like Xilinx. CO2: Students will be able to design and realize the MOSFET technology using Cadencemodern tools. CO3: Students will be able to design the experiments and analyze and interpret data. CO4: Students will acquire skills of teamwork, technical communication, and effectivereport writing. CO5: Students will be capable of solving practical electronic circuits. |
DESIGN PROJECT | ECP-072 | CO1: Students will acquire the ability to make links across different areas ofknowledge and to generate, develop, and evaluate ideas for the sustainable development of society. CO2: Students will demonstrate the skills to solve complex engineering problems andto analyze and interpret the data. CO3: Students will demonstrate sound technical knowledge and skill of theirselected project and the attitude of an engineer with professional ethics and lifelonglearning in the context of modern technology. CO4: Students will acquire skills in team management to achieve common goalsusing modern engineering tools. CO5: Students will be able to develop communication skills in written and oral forms. |
Internship-III | ECP-073 | CO1: Students will be able to make links across different areas of engineering andtechnology. CO2: Students will understand the application of technology, resources, and modernengineering tools to solve complex practical problems. CO3: Students will understand the responsibilities of professional engineering practice. CO4: Students will be able to understand the working of a team to manage theprojects in an industrial environment. CO5: Students will be able to develop skills in technical communication and reportwriting. |
B.Tech. -8thSem. Electronics and Communication Engg. Department | |||
WIRELESS COMMUNICATION | EEC-061 | CO1: Students will be able to analyze radio propagation mechanisms in wireless-communication along with their applications. CO2: Students will be able to understand concepts of cellular architecture and its application to traffic engineering problems. CO3: Students will be able to understand various multiple-access techniques used for the proper utilization of bandwidth resources. CO4: Students willbeabletounderstandvariousmodulationschemesusedinwirelesscommunication and the problem related to spectrum efficiency. CO5: Knowledge of this course is going to enhance the capability of students to solve engineering problems related to wireless communication. |
AUDIO AND SPEECH SIGNAL PROCESSING | EEC-062 | CO1: To study the basic concepts of speech and audio. CO2: To study the analysis of various M-band filter banks for audio coding. CO3: To learn various transform coders for audio coding. CO4: To study the speech processing methods in the time and frequency domain |
PUBLIC BROADCAST ENGINEERING | EEC-063 | CO1: Students will be able to understand TV signal transmission and receptiontechnologies. CO2: Students will be able to understand the various broadcasting techniques. CO3: This course is going to enhance the understanding of students about microphones and recorders. CO4: Students will be able to understand the television receiver systems. CO5: Students will be able to solve engineering problems related to TV systems. |
ELECTRONIC SWITCHING SYSTEMS | EEC-064 | CO1: Students will be able to understand various principles and techniques of switchingsystems. CO2: Students will be able to design and analyze multistage switching systems. CO3: Students will be able to understand different aspects of telecom trafficengineering. CO4: Students will understand network synchronization, subscriber access, and carrier systems. CO5: Students will be capable of solving electronic switching system problems. |
PROJECT | ECP-081 | CO1: Students will acquire the ability to make links across different areas ofknowledge and to generate, develop, and evaluate ideas for the sustainabledevelopment of society. CO2: Students will demonstrate the skills to solve complex engineering problems andto analyze and interpret the data. CO3: Students will demonstrate sound technical knowledge and skill of theirselected project and the attitude of an engineer with professional ethics and lifelonglearning in the context of modern technology. CO4: Students will acquire skills of team management to achieve common goalsusing modern engineering tools. CO5:Students will be able to develop communication skills in written and oral forms. |
Basic Electronics Lab: A basic electronics lab is a controlled environment where engineers, students, and hobbyists can conduct experiments, test electronic components, and build circuits. Here’s a description of the essential elements you’d find in such a lab:Workbenches, Safety Equipment, Power Supplies, Multimeters, Oscilloscope, Generators, Breadboards, Components and supplies, Computer and Design Tools, Storage and Organization, Shelves, cabinets, & drawers, Reference Materials, Ventilation, Cabling & Connectivity, Whiteboards/Marker, Safety Procedures, and Ergonomic Seating. A basic electronics lab serves as a creative and educational space where individuals can learn.
Digital Electronics Lab:A digital electronics lab is a specialized workspace designed for experiments, testing, and hands-on learning related to digital electronic circuits and systems. Here’s a description of what you might find in a typical digital electronics labWorkstations, Safety Equipment, Digital Logic Trainer Kits, Power Supplies, Oscilloscopes, Function Generators, Digital Multimeters, Logic Analyzers, FPGA Development Boards, Computer and Design Tools, Digital Components, Breadboards and Wire Kits, Storage and Organization, Reference Materials, Ventilation, Safety Procedures
Digital electronics labs are crucial for students and professionals to gain hands-on experience in designing and working with digital circuits and systems, which are the foundation of modern electronics and computing.
Electronics Devices Lab: An Electronics Devices and Circuits Lab, often referred to as EDC Lab, is a specialized facility where students, engineers, and researchers can experiment with and study electronic devices and circuits. Here’s a description of what you might typically find in such a lab: Workstations, Safety Equipment, Oscilloscopes, Function Generators, Power Supplies, Multimeters, Signal Generators, Electronic Components, Breadboards and Prototyping Boards, Soldering Stations, Computers and Simulation Software, Storage and Organization, Reference Materials, Ventilation, Safety Procedures.
An Electronics Devices and Circuits Lab is a crucial resource for electronics students and professionals to gain practical experience in designing, building, and analyzing electronic circuits, which are foundational in various industries, including telecommunications, consumer electronics, and manufacturing.
Networks and Systems Lab: A Networks and Systems Lab is a specialized facility used for research, experimentation, and learning in the field of electrical circuits, networks, and systems. Here’s a description of what you might typically find in such a lab:Workstations, Safety Equipment, Circuit Components, Breadboards and Prototyping Boards, Power Supplies, Oscilloscopes,Function Generators, Signal Analyzers, Simulation Software, Digital Multimeters, Network Analyzers, Reference Materials, Storage and Organization, Safety Procedures, Lab Instructors.
A Network Analysis and Synthesis Lab is crucial for students, engineers, and researchers studying electrical circuits and networks. It provides hands-on experience with real circuits, enabling learners to understand circuit theory, analyze network behavior, and synthesize complex electrical systems
Control Systems Lab: A Control Systems Lab is a specialized facility used for experiments, research, and learning related to control engineering and systems. Here’s a description of what you might typically find in such a lab:Workstations, Safety Equipment, Computers and Controllers, Instrumentation, Simulators and Software, Process Plants, Feedback Control Systems, Robotics Platforms, Industrial PLCs, Data Logging and Analysis Tools, Simulation Rigs, Control Algorithms, Electrical and Mechanical Components, Reference Materials and Safety Procedures.
Control Systems Labs play a vital role in educating students, conducting research, and developing practical skills in control engineering. They are essential for understanding how control systems regulate and manage processes in fields ranging from manufacturing to aerospace to robotics.
Analog Communication Lab:An Analog Communication Lab is a specialized facility used for experiments, research, and learning related to analog communication systems and techniques. Here’s a description of what you might typically find in such a lab:Workstations, Safety Equipment, Signal Generators, Oscilloscopes, Function Generators, Modulation and Demodulation Equipment, Communication Transmitters and Receivers, Filters, Antennas, Spectrum Analyzers, Demodulators, Analog Communication Kits, Reference Materials, Simulation Software, Storage and Organization, and Safety Procedure.
An Analog Communication Lab is crucial for students, engineers, and researchers studying analog communication systems, such as AM and FM radio, television broadcasting, and voice communication. It provides hands-on experience with real analog systems, enabling learners to understand signal modulation, transmission, reception, and demodulation in both educational and practical applications.
Digital Communication Lab: A Digital Communication Lab is a specialized facility used for research, experimentation, and learning related to digital communication systems and techniques. Here’s a description of what you might typically find in such a lab:Workstations, Safety Equipment, Signal Generators, Oscilloscopes, Function Generators, Modulators and Demodulators, Digital Transceivers, Error Detection and Correction Equipment, Bit Error Rate Testers, Digital Communication Kits, Data Converters, Spectrum Analyzers, Communication Protocols, Digital Communication Software, Reference Materials, Storage and Organization, Safety Procedures.
A Digital Communication Lab is crucial for students, engineers, and researchers studying digital communication systems, including data transmission, networking, and telecommunications. It provides hands-on experience with real digital systems, enabling learners to understand modulation, encoding, decoding, and error correction processes in both educational and practical applications.
Analog CircuitLab: An Analog Circuit Lab is a specialized facility used for conducting experiments, research, and learning related to analog electronic circuits and systems. Here’s a description of what you might typically find in such a lab:Workstations, Safety Equipment, Signal Generators, Oscilloscopes, Function Generators, Power Supplies, Component Kits, Breadboards and Prototyping Boards, Analog Circuit Kits, Filters, Measurement Instruments, Reference Materials, Simulation Software, Storage and Organization, Safety Procedures.
An Analog Circuit Lab is crucial for students, engineers, and researchers studying analog electronic circuits and systems. It provides hands-on experience with real circuits, enabling learners to understand circuit theory, design, analysis, and troubleshooting in both educational and practical applications.
Antenna and Wave PropagationLab: An Antenna and Wave Propagation Lab is a specialized facility used for research, experimentation, and learning in the field of antennas, electromagnetic waves, and their propagation. Here’s a description of what you might typically find in such a lab:Antenna Measurement Range, Safety Equipment, Antenna Types, Frequency Sources, Spectrum Analyzers, Transmission Lines, Antenna Design and Simulation Software, Radio wave Propagation Equipment, Antenna Measurement Instruments, Antenna Arrays, Radiation Pattern Measurement Systems, Antenna Prototyping Tools, Simulation and Analysis Tools, Reference Materials, Storage and Organization, Safety Procedures.
An Antenna and Wave Propagation Lab is essential for students, engineers, and researchers studying antennas, wireless communication systems, radar systems, and electromagnetic wave propagation. It provides hands-on experience with real-world antennas and electromagnetic phenomena, enabling learners to understand antenna design principles and wave propagation characteristics.
TV and Radar Engineering Lab: A TV and Radar Engineering Lab is a specialized facility used for research, experimentation, and learning in the field of television and radar technology. These labs are typically found in universities, research institutions, and organizations involved in the development and testing of television broadcasting systems and radar systems. Here’s a description of what you might typically find in such a lab:Television Broadcasting Equipment, Antenna Systems, RF Measurement Instruments, Digital Television Equipment, Broadcast Studios, Broadcast Control Room, Television Monitoring and Quality Assurance Tools, Broadcast Signal Processing Equipment, Radar Systems, Simulation and Modeling Software, Reference Materials, Storage and Organization, Safety Procedures.
A TV and Radar Engineering Lab serves as a vital resource for students, engineers, and researchers studying television broadcasting and radar technology. These labs provide hands-on experience with real-world broadcasting and radar equipment, enabling learners to understand the principles, design, and operation of these complex systems.
Digital Signal Processing Lab: A Digital Signal Processing (DSP) Lab is a specialized facility designed for conducting experiments, research, and learning related to digital signal processing techniques and applications. Here’s a description of what you might typically find in such a lab:Workstations, Safety Equipment, Computers and DSP Hardware, Signal Generators, Oscilloscopes, Function Generators, Spectrum Analyzers, Digital Filters, Signal Processing, Software, Data Acquisition Systems, Microphones and Speakers, Reference Materials, Storage and Organization, Safety Procedures, Advanced DSP Kits.
A Digital Signal Processing Lab is crucial for students, engineers, and researchers studying and working in fields like telecommunications, audio processing, image processing, and more. It provides hands-on experience with the tools and techniques used to analyze and manipulate signals in both research and practical applications.
Open-Source Software Lab:An open-source software lab, also known as an open-source software development lab, is a workspace or environment dedicated to the creation, development, and collaboration around open-source software projects. Here’s an explanation of what you might find in an open-source software lab:Community Collaboration, Version Control, Coding Tools, Project Hosting, Documentation, Collaboration and Communication Tools, License Management, Testing and Continuous Integration, Issue Tracking, Code Review, Community Outreach, Governance and Decision-Making, Security and Vulnerability Management, Legal and Licensing Guidance.
Open-source software labs play a vital role in the development and sustainability of open-source projects. They provide the infrastructure, tools, and support needed to create high-quality software that is freely available for the benefit of the broader community.
Simulation SoftwareLab:A simulation software lab typically refers to a laboratory or workspace where researchers, students, or professionals use specialized software tools to create computer-based simulations. These simulations are virtual representations of real-world systems or processes. Here’s a breakdown of what you might find in a simulation software lab:Hardware, Simulation Software, Data Input and Visualization Tools, Documentation and Educational Materials, Collaboration Space, Training and Support, Experimentation, Data Analysis, Safety Measures, Specialized Equipment.
Overall, simulation software labs serve as crucial environments for experimentation, research, and education, enabling users to model and analyze complex systems without the need for physical prototypes, which can be costly and time-consuming.
MATLAB: “Matrix Laboratory,” is a high-level programming language and interactive environment primarily used for numerical and scientific computing, data analysis, visualization, and algorithm development. Developed by MathWorks, MATLAB is widely used in academia, industry, and research for a variety of applications. Here are some key features and uses of MATLAB:Matrix-Based Language, Interactive Environment, Extensive Library, Data Analysis and Visualization, Algorithm Development, Simulation and Modeling, Application Deployment, Integration, Parallel and GPU Computing, Cross-Platform Compatibility, Education and Training, Toolboxes.
MATLAB’s flexibility and extensive ecosystem make it a valuable tool for a wide range of professionals, including scientists, engineers, data analysts, and researchers. Its ability to handle complex mathematical and computational tasks, coupled with its user-friendly interface, has contributed to its widespread adoption in various industries and research fields.