



Journals & Magazines


E-Books & E-Journals


JB Institute of Technology, has state-of-the-art academic Library that provides a congenial atmosphere for reading and research purposes. The Library is fully automated with Integrated Library Management Software(ILMS), Koha.

All kind of books in the library are bar-coded and can be easily scanned at the circulation counter with barcode reader. Books can be searched in “KOHA” Web OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue by the members of the library.

  •  JBIT Library has been enriched with a good stock of books and journals authored by
    experts on the subject.
  •  New books are regularly added to the stock ensuring all the latest important titles related
    to the course of study are always available. Including the Competitive examination titles
  • In addition to the course books ,the library at JBIT has a sufficient number of general
    books and reference books as well as books on Indian Knowledge System (IKS).
  • The Library has a spacious reading hall with a seating capacity of more than 100
    students at a time, providing a peaceful environment for them to concentrate and study
  • Along with course text and reference books, the JBIT library also has a good collection of
    materials DVDs and CDs.
  • The Library has subscritption of various e-resource packages such as EBSCO: e-Books
    Academic Collection, E-Journals: and DELNET Membership.
  • The Institute’s Library also provides the reprography facility to all its stakeholders.
  • The Library also has been installed with 12 computers to facilitate students , teachers and
    the researchers with electronic data in form of digital library.


A way to learn, a mark to make, a world to change


                                                           List of E-Resources Subscribed


Sr. No.Name of E-ResourcesNo. Of TitlesURL
1.Delnet ( E- Books & E- Journals)E-Books & E-Journals (Read & Download)View
2.EBSCO E-Books Academic CollectionMore than 2 Lacs E-Books with Unlimited AccessView


                                                      List of E- Books Resources Open Access

Sr. No.Name of E- Books open Access with URLDescriptionsDetails
1.www.pdfdrive.comE- Books ResourcesE- Books Read & Download
2.https://doabooks.orgE- Books ResourcesE- Books Read & Download
3.www.Bookboon.comE- Books ResourcesE- Books Read & Download
4.www.freebookcentre.netE- Books ResourcesE- Books Read & Download
5.www.freeengineeringbooks.comE- Books ResourcesE- Books Read & Download
6.https://rarebookssocietyof india.orgRare Books SocietyE- Books Read & Download
7.https://www.worldcat.orgLibrary CatalogOnline Library Catalogd
8. Books ResourcesE- Books Read & Download

                                                 List of E- Journals Resources Open Access

Sr. No. Name of E- Journals open Access Description Details
1. E- Journals E- journals : Read & Download
2. E- Journals E- journals : Read & Download
3. E- Journals E- journals : Read & Download

                                                         List of Video & Lectures

Sr. No. Name of Video & Lectures Description Details
1. NPTEL Video & Lectures
2. Vidya- Mitra Video & Lectures

                                                  KOHA Remote Access IP



Library is an integral part of any Institute imparting its services to the students, faculty members and other staff members. We assure you to offer the best library services. We shall not leave any stone unturned to achieve the mission of the institute. We promote each student to participate in the development process of the Library.

The JBIT library collectively supports the teaching, research and extension programmers of the institute. The Library, besides having a huge collection of books on Engineering, Science, Technology and Humanities offers Library services through its various divisions. We have attempted to make the JBIT Library a 21st century knowledge based society of tomorrow. JBIT Library shall continue to adapt to challenging new demands and provides a professional and conducive learning atmosphere for the empowerment of its users.

The Library has subscribed for 66 National/International Journals & Magazine. JBIT Library is the member of DELNET (Developing Library Network) New Delhi. It aims to collect, store, and disseminate information besides offering computerized services to users, to coordinate efforts for suitable collection development and also reduce unnecessary duplication wherever possible.


The Library contributes to the fulfilment of the Institute mission by: Selecting, acquiring, organizing, maintaining and making accessible a collection of printed and non-printed, primary and secondary materials that will support the educational, research and public service programmes of both students and the faculty.

Responding to the varying needs of the academic community by involving the faculty, the students and the administration in the development and periodic assessment of the library services and resources.

Providing library users with point-of-use instruction, personal assistance in conducting literature research and other reference services

Providing an environment conducive to the optimum use of library materials and an appropriate schedule of hours of service and professional assistance.

Participating in overall computing resources plan and providing for full library utilization of automation technology.


Dr. Kishor Bhatt
Designation: LIBRARIAN
Qualification: Ph.D. , M.Sc. (Chemistry), M. Lib. & I. SC.
Experience: 17 YEAR
Contact No: 0135-2698880/09412413057


Library Hours:


Monday to Saturday: 9:30 a.m to 6:00 p.m

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