Student Grievance Redressal Committee (SGRC)
The Student Grievance Redressal Committee (SGRC) at JB Institute of Technology, Dehradun, is a dedicated body tasked with addressing and resolving grievances raised by students within the institution. Serving as a vital component of the institution’s governance structure, the SGRC aims to ensure a fair, transparent, and accessible mechanism for students to seek resolution for their concerns.
Comprising representatives from various academic departments, administrative offices, and student bodies, the SGRC embodies diversity and inclusivity, fostering a holistic approach to grievance redressal. This composition ensures that student grievances are addressed from multiple perspectives, drawing upon the expertise and insights of faculty members, administrative staff, and student representatives.
The SGRC is entrusted with several key responsibilities, including the receipt, review, and resolution of grievances promptly. Upon receiving a grievance, the committee conducts thorough investigations, solicits relevant information, and engages in dialogue with all parties involved. Through this diligent process, the SGRC strives to achieve fair and equitable outcomes that uphold the rights and interests of students while adhering to institutional policies and regulations.
Moreover, the SGRC plays a pivotal role in promoting a culture of accountability and transparency within the institution. By maintaining detailed records of grievance proceedings and outcomes, the committee ensures transparency in its decision-making processes and accountability in implementing corrective actions or remedies.
In addition to its reactive role in addressing individual grievances, the SGRC also endeavors to identify systemic issues or trends that may impact student welfare. The committee seeks to address underlying problems through ongoing monitoring and analysis proactively, recommend policy changes or improvements, and enhance student experience.
Furthermore, the SGRC serves as a platform for advocacy and empowerment, empowering students to voice their concerns and actively participate in the governance of their academic environment. Student representatives within the committee play a crucial role in amplifying student voices, advocating for their interests, and fostering a sense of ownership and responsibility among the student body.
The Student Grievance Redressal Committee at JB Institute of Technology, Dehradun, is a cornerstone of student welfare and institutional integrity. Through its commitment to fairness, transparency, and responsiveness, the SGRC creates a supportive and conducive learning environment where every student’s voice is heard and respected.