ALUMNI society
Alumni association acts as the linking bridge between the past and the present of JBIT, endeavoring to build a better future for the students, college and the society. We have alumni from different programmes and different batches which make this community vibrant.
The members of this community have the potential to be the biggest champion for one another and their juniors. For this, we need to be more connected as this society befittingly paves way for the networking.
The society is responsible for ensuring that the present batches learn from the past batches, imbibe the qualities and get inspired from the personalities that have set a mark for themselves in varied industries. More than bringing the experience to JBIT; the society is also responsible, for bringing the memories to the alumni by helping them reconnect to their alma mater.
The association aims at creating and sustaining a mutually beneficial relationship between the institution and its alumni network. The team intends to increase the alumni engagement in various academic, cultural and social activities, taking place at the institute and beyond, to ensure interaction between them and the students.